Systeme – How to Display System in LaTeX


I'm new to the systeme package. I was reading the manual to get to know it, but unfortunately it is written in French. I want to typeset the following

enter image description here

The best I can come up with is the following code

\syscodeextracol{\kern 2.5em }{}
 \sysextracolsign{|}\sysdelim{\{}{|}\systeme{3x+7y=1 | 5,
        5x-8y=-18  |(-3)}

which is clearly not exactly what I want. Full MWE is the following:



\syscodeextracol{\kern 2.5em }{}
 \sysextracolsign{|}\sysdelim{\{}{|}\systeme{3x+7y=1 | 5,
        5x-8y=-18  |(-3)}


Any suggestions?

Best Answer

How about consecutive \systeme directives?

enter image description here

The required amount of kerning between the \systeme blocks will depend on both the font size and the math and text fonts that are in use. For Computer Modern and a 12pt document font size, \kern-26pt looks "about right". If one were to load the newtxtext and newtxmath font packages, then \kern-22pt would be "about right".



 \systeme{ 3x+7y=1 , 5x-8y=-18 }
 \kern-26pt % kerning amount obtained by trial and error :-)
 \sysdelim{.}{.} \sysalign{l,l}
 \systeme{ \cdot 5 , \cdot(-3) }
