Different footnote styles


I am using footmisc package to create different foonote styles as in the example below. When using the sym set of symbols I have to use \normalfont for the footnote mark, but with num footnotes I have to use superscrit footnote marks. For the first I followed this answer, but the numeric footnotes are not superscript anymore (as expected). Is it possible to get different styles for different sets of fnsymbols?


\textheight=80pt% for the example

\DefineFNsymbols{num}{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
\DefineFNsymbols{sym}{\textdagger \textdaggerdbl \textparagraph %
{\textdagger\textdagger} {\textdaggerdbl\textdaggerdbl} %


Symbol footnote\footnote{Blha.} numeric footnote{\setfnsymbol{num}\footnote{Foo}}

For clarification I mark the footnote marks that should be supercript:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can detect the currently used footnote style.



\textheight=80pt% for the example

\DefineFNsymbols{num}{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
\DefineFNsymbols{sym}{\textdagger \textdaggerdbl \textparagraph %
{\textdagger\textdagger} {\textdaggerdbl\textdaggerdbl} %



Symbol footnote\footnote{Blha.} numeric footnote{\setfnsymbol{num}\footnote{Foo}}


MWE output

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