Define an environment with appointed color background


I want to define an environment with appointed color, that is to say the whole environment from the \begin{env} to \end{env} will be drawed by the color. Just like a code block. Roughly, this is waht I expect.

enter image description here

I tried to use \colorbox, but it seemed that the box didn't support for multiple lines of text. For instance, I have a costomized environment myenv, then how can I realize what I expect.





Please give me an example. Thanks.

Best Answer

If you want to stay with framed.sty package, then try with the below MWE:


\definecolor{shadecolor}{cmyk}{0,0,0,0.5}%change what ever you like



Apart from this, tcolorbox.sty and mdframed.sty also having nice features...