Memoir – Custom Left-Aligned Veelo Chapter Style


I'm trying to make a Memoir chapter style based on veelo, using this custom definition:



    \renewcommand*{\afterchapternum}{\par\nobreak\vskip 10pt}



An example chapter made with this (with showframe from the geometry package):

enter image description here

The problem is that the number is not aligned, and that the offset depends on the chapter number (1 is quite large, 4 is much smaller, etc.). Is there a way to left-align the number automatically for all chapter numbers?

Best Answer

You can apply a negative kerning depending on the initial digit.

I computed the following values by eye after looking closely them inside bounding boxes.



    \renewcommand*{\afterchapternum}{\par\nobreak\vskip 10pt}

  \martin_fixspace:e { #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \martin_fixspace:n
  \str_case_e:nn { \str_head:n { #1 } }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \martin_fixspace:n { e }





\fbox{\chapnumfont 0}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 1}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 2}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 3}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 4}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 5}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 6}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 7}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 8}
\fbox{\chapnumfont 9}


enter image description here

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