Cross references inside a figure caption. EDIT: What to do when the caption includes a ]

cross-referencinghyperrefhypertargettable of contents

I am writing my dissertation in overleaf, and I am borrowing a series of figures from different publications. In each relevant figure caption, I have the citation followed by the text "Permissions."

Here is an example.


\title{Moth figure}
\date{November 2021}



\section{Some Section}

Some text goes here.

    \caption{This is a pretty moth, but not actually a hawkmoth. \parencite[]{Ellington1996} - Permissions}


\section*{Journal Name}
    \item Figure \ref{fig:my_label}: This is not actually an image from \cite{Ellington1996} but if it were I would say that I have the appropriate permissions.

First Page
Second Page

My original plan was to use hyperref in combination with hypertarget to cross-reference the word "Permissions" to the bullet point on the next page. But when I tried to do this, the figure would not show up in the list of figures page I had and would cause an error. Are there any tools for cross-referencing within a figure caption to another page? I would imagine there should be since the link from the citation in the figure caption is effectively doing this.

Best Answer

This is a two-part question, both parts of which are really duplicates, but I haven't found a single answer that addresses both parts, so here goes.

To get a "streamlined" version for the List of Figures (also works for a List of Tables; see explanation in Change caption in List of Tables), add an option to the caption:

\caption[<version for LoF>]{<version for the real caption>}

If the text of the optional version contains any close bracket ] (often part of another option, but not always), LaTeX will assume that this is the end of the main option, resulting in an error. To defeat this interpretation, wrap the entire expression containing the ] in another set of braces to isolate it. Be ultra safe -- do that everywhere within the caption:

\caption[<version for LoF with {...[...]...}>]{<version for the real caption {\cref[...]{...}} ...>}

Explanations in these earlier questions: LaTeX: optional arguments with square brackets and [ ] inside an optional argument.