Creating Tic-Tac-Toe boards with LaTeX/TikZ without tables


I am currently writing my thesis and need to include figures of tic-tac-toe/noughts and crosses games.
Up until now I created my figures using PowerPoint (see image 1, and 2).

I looked up similar questions and found the following ones:

  1. Beamer: Noughts and crosses
  2. How to represent tic tac toe table in Latex?

However they either use a table to represent the game or macros to place an X or O character on a board. Since I also need dashed symbols (see image 5) to represent optimal moves I can not use their approach.So the individual slots of the board are either blank, contain their index or a symbol.
Furthermore I would like to place either a single line of text beneath the diagram or multiple lines to its right.

Could anybody point me to other questions or resources that I could use to create the figure below?

game of tic-tac-toe with zero-based index and text underneath
game of tic-tac-toe with zero-based index and text underneath

game of tic-tac-toe with empty slots and text on the right
game of tic-tac-toe with empty slots and text on the right

game of tic-tac-toe optimal moves highlighted by dashed symbol

game of tic-tac-toe optimal moves highlighted by dashed symbol

Best Answer


I thought it would be more interesting to just throw a matrix of what you wanted into the cells and get the result, so here is an improved version:


    \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=2pt]
                    circ/.pic={\draw circle (\r);},
                    cross/.pic={\draw (-\r,-\r) -- (\r,\r) (-\r,\r) -- (\r,-\r);},
                    opt/.pic={\draw[opacity=0.2] (-\r,-\r) -- (\r,\r) (-\r,\r) -- (\r,-\r);}
            % The grid
            \foreach \i in {1,2} \draw (\i,0) -- (\i,3) (0,\i) -- (3,\i);
            % Numbering the cells
            \foreach \y in {0,...,2}
                \foreach \x in {0,...,2}
                    \coordinate (\thenum) at (\x+0.5,2-\y+0.5);
                    %\node[opacity=0.5] at (\thenum) {\sffamily\thenum}; % Uncomment to see numbers in the cells
        \def\X{X} \def\x{x} \def\O{O} \def\n{n}
        \foreach \l [count = \i from 0] in {#1}
            \if\l\X \path (\i) pic{cross};
                \if\l\O \path (\i) pic{circ};
                    \if\l\x \path (\i) pic{opt};
                        \if\l\n \node[opacity=0.5] at (\i) {\sffamily\i};

    \tictactoe{ ,O,X,
               O,X, ,
               X, ,O}           


another one

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