Creating this tree structure with LaTeX


I would like to easily create tree-like structures like

  R─┬───A─┬─A R─┐  
    R─┐   R     R  

D is the top root node. It starts a horizontal line to the right, which stands for the "same level". This horizontal line can have more letters A threaded at any position, which do not have additional semantic meaning. These letters A always have a line incoming from the left.

The more interesting feature is that a horizontal line can split downwards to a child (base) node R which always have a line incoming from the top. This split can happen at multiple positions on the horizontal baseline. The child nodes recursively start a new virtual block and hence are usually continued by an outgoing horizontal line to the right.- Hence, the R next to the D effectively starts the whole thing again in its own "bounding box" (here marked with +).

  +++++++++++     R─┐
 +R─┬───A─┬─A+      R 
 +  R─┐   R  +     
 +    R      + 

If for a node there are no more nodes connected to the right, then the horizontal outgoing line is not shown. And of course tree/text overlap needs to be avoided, i.e. some horizontal lines need to stretch far enough before starting a new child node. A type A node also should only appear after all previous child blocks have completed to the left of them.

What would be the best way to create such a tree-like drawing in LaTeX?

I've found \usetikzlibrary{trees} which goes in this direction, but I'm not sure how to flip the example, how to make multiple letters on a horizontal line, how to control text overlap, etc…

Any good suggestion how to recreate that diagram?

There is a working answer with manually positioning everything, but I hope there is another solution like tikz-tree which can calculate the positioning automatically for me, so that I only specify the child-node relations.

With arbitrary and longer labels:

  Cc─┬─────────Aa─┬──Aaaa   Eee─┐  
     Bbb─┐        Dd            A  

Best Answer

Variant with parameter for label


  • see original variant below for more description
  • \nodeD, \nodeR and \nodeA each have now one parameter to set the text.
  • Here I used relative positioning instead of absolute. Therefore, different text lengths are considered.
  • I set base node/.style={draw, dashed} just for clarification


enter image description here







    \node[D] (D0) at (0,0) {#1};

        \node[R, anchor=west] (R\arabic{treeRnode}) at ([xshift=\nodedistance] \csuse{treeLastY\treeY}.east-|\lastXnode.east) {#1};
        \node[R, below right=of \csuse{treeLastY\lastY}] (R\arabic{treeRnode}) {#1};
    \draw (\csuse{treeLastY\lastY}) -| (R\arabic{treeRnode});

    \node[A, anchor=west] (A) at ([xshift=\nodedistance] \csuse{treeLastY\treeY}.east-|\lastXnode.east) (A\arabic{treeAnode}) {#1};
    \draw (\csuse{treeLastY\treeY}) -- (A\arabic{treeAnode});



    node distance=\nodedistance,
    base node/.style={draw, dashed},
    D/.style={base node},
    R/.style={base node},
    A/.style={base node},
    \nodeD{$D_1$ with longer text}
            \nodeR{$R_2$ with longer text}
        \nodeA{$A_2$ with longer text}


Variant without parameters (original)


I defined some commands that can be used within tikz:

  • \nodeD, \nodeR and \nodeA for the different node types
  • \branchend to stop a branch and go up one level.

I used counters treeRnode and treeAnode to name the nodes and variables \treeX and \treeY to save the current position. Futhermore, \treeLastY<y> saves the last node in layer <y>.

So the code for the given tree is in my syntax:


The indentation in the source code is just for readability. So, this would be the same:



enter image description here







    \node[D] (D0) at (0,0) {D};

    \node[R] (R\arabic{treeRnode}) at (\treeX, -\treeY) {R};
    \draw (\csuse{treeLastY\lastY}) -| (R\arabic{treeRnode});

    \node[A] (A) (A\arabic{treeAnode}) at (\treeX, -\treeY) {A};
    \draw (\csuse{treeLastY\treeY}) -- (A\arabic{treeAnode});


    base node/.style={},
    D/.style={base node},
    R/.style={base node},
    A/.style={base node},
