Creating new symbols in amssymb package


In the amssymb package, there are the \precapprox and \precnapprox symbols. But there isn't a \nprecapprox symbol. How can I create one?

Best Answer

You can use a larger version of the slash, with a handful of tricks to move it a bit down when in script style. However, this would not work in scriptscript style (I don't think it's a big limitation).


    \hfil$\vcenter{\moved@wn{#1}\hbox{$#1\bigb@r$}}$\hfil\cr % the bar
    $#1#2$\cr % the symbol


$a \nprecapprox b \nsuccapprox c$

$\scriptstyle a \nprecapprox b \nsuccapprox c$


enter image description here

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