Tcolorbox in LaTeX – Creating a Box Surrounded by Text


How is it possible for me to put a box of adjustable size surrounded by a text in a latex document ?

For instance : my inspiration is from the yellow boxes in this image :

enter image description here

\usepackage{tikz, adjustbox}

Paragraphe de test pour essayer de placer une boîte 

\tcbset{colback=green!5!white,colframe=green!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries, width = 5cm}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title = Third box]


Thank you for your help,

Best Answer

To wrap text around a tcolorbox you can simply put it inside a wrapfigure, using the wrapfig package. To make the tcolorbox smaller than the textwidth, simply use the option width=. Here is an example with a box similar to the yellow in the provided picture:

\usepackage{tikz, adjustbox}
% new packages:

before skip=2mm,after skip=2mm,
attach boxed title to top left={xshift=0cm,yshift*=0mm-\tcboxedtitleheight},
varwidth boxed title*=-3cm,
boxed title style={frame code={
\path[left color=FrameYellow,right color=FrameYellow,
middle color=FrameYellow]
([xshift=-0mm]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=0mm]frame.north east)
[rounded corners=0mm]-- ([xshift=0mm,yshift=0mm]frame.north east)
-- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=0mm,yshift=0mm]frame.north west)
[sharp corners]-- cycle;
},interior engine=empty,
  sharp corners,rounded corners=southeast,arc is angular,arc=3mm,
    \path[fill=BgYellow!80!black] ([yshift=3mm]interior.south east)--++(-0.4,-0.1)--++(0.1,-0.2);
    \path[draw=FrameYellow,shorten <=-0.05mm,shorten >=-0.05mm,color=FrameYellow] ([yshift=3mm]interior.south east)--++(-0.4,-0.1)--++(0.1,-0.2);
  drop fuzzy shadow,

Paragraphe de test pour essayer de placer une boîte 

\begin{mybox2}[Third box]


This produces the output: enter image description here

You can change the box to the left side using {L} instead of {R} in \begin{wrapfigure}{R}{0.6\textwidth}(NB make sure the wrapfig is wider than the box!). You can also change the width of the box in the third line in the code (width=0.5\textwidth).