Count the number of items in enumerate when nesting and [resume]


As question Count and use the number of items in advance mentioned, I have the same demand, but mine is more advanced.

Here I have some enumerates, some of them begin with [resume] paramater, some of them have nested enumerate. I want to compute the number of the first level items of each enumerate. For example

enter image description here

I wrote codes below:


    \setcounter{totalitems}{\numexpr \c@enditems - \c@beginitems \relax}
        \item one
        \item two
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

        \item three
            \item a nested enumerate
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

        \item one 
        \item two 
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

it produced:

enter image description here

As we can see there are some things goes wrong

  1. When there is nested enumerate, the beginitems counter is wrong
  2. When there is no [resume] paramater, the beginitems counter didn't been reset to 0.

Where should I change to reach my demand?

Best Answer

You need to postpone \setcounter{beginitems}{\arabic{enumi}} to after the enumerate environment was initiated, so essentially after \begin{enumerate} or \begin{enumerate}[resume] respectively. You need to take into account that \begin{environment} may have one optional argument.

I am not totally sure, but I think, using \LetLtxMacro instead of a plain \let and \renewcommand instead of \def is a bit more secure here:




    \setcounter{totalitems}{\numexpr \c@enditems - \c@beginitems \relax}


        \item one
        \item two
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

        \item three
            \item a nested enumerate
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

        \item one 
        \item two 
    total = \thetotalitems, begin = \thebeginitems, end = \theenditems

enter image description here

Now, you still may have the problem that the counters are affected every time, an enumerate environment starts, which may cause wrong results when enumerate environments are nested. I did not test this thouroughly.

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