Controlling captions for subfigures


enter image description here

I want to move around the positions of subfigures as follows.

  1. Move the Panel 3 figure below the Panel 2 figure;
  2. Move the captions below the Panel 1 figure; and if possible
  3. Align the subcaptions at the left of each subfigure.

How could I achieve these?


\captionsetup{font=small, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false, tableposition=bottom, justification=justified}

% test 
\subfloat[Panel 1]{
\subfloat[Panel 2]{
\subfloat[Panel 3]{
\mycaption{PPC eigenvectors.}{I want to place Panel 3 figure below Panel 2 figure. 
Then write the captions next to Panel 3 (below Panel 1). If possible, I would also like to align the subfigure labels at the left of a image.}

Best Answer

First, (almost) every time you end a line with { or } you are adding a space. Specifically, you are adding two spaces before the image.

Second, you can put the \caption into a minipage to reduce the width. Setting the width using \captionsetup doesn't help since \caption begins and ends with \par.

Third, I used a savebox to prevent resetting the subfigure counter. One could also use \setcounter{subfigure}{2}., The savebox can also be used to help adjust the alignment (if desired).



\captionsetup{font=small, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false, tableposition=bottom, justification=justified}

% test 
\subfloat[Panel 1\label{fig1}]{%
\subfloat[Panel 2\label{fig2}]{%
\subfloat[Panel 3\label{fig3}]{% measuer width and height
\mycaption{PPC eigenvectors.}{I want to place Panel 3 figure below Panel 2 figure. 
Then write the captions next to Panel 3 (below Panel 1). If possible, I would also like to align the subfigure labels at the left of a image.}
