Combining enumitem features and beamer list features


I'm working on a beamer presentation and I really want to use this enumitem feature :

\begin{enumerate}[label= \fbox{P\arabic*}]
\item something
\item an other thing

But enumitem and beamer cannot be used together as stated in this post : Trouble combining enumitem and beamer, and in my case, bullets in itemize list types disappear when using enumitem, which is sad since I really like the style of bullets in beamer. So my question is :
Is there a way to produce the same result without using enumitem or is there a way to combine beamer and enumitem to have boxed item token and bullet at the same time ?

Thanks you in advance for any hints on how to do it.

Best Answer


\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item} {\color{black}\fbox{\footnotesize P\insertenumlabel}}

results in an output similar to the one you get using your enumitem-based code:

enumitem & article beamer & \setbeamertemplate
enter image description here enter image description here


\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item} {\color{black}\fbox{\footnotesize P\insertenumlabel}}
\item something
\item an other thing