Cite author in paper text in tfnlm bibliography style


Below is the current code, where I have to write the author name by myself manually and add the $\emph{et al.}$ after it. The \cite{SmithTest} is used to produce the reference in the end.


\bibpunct[, ]{[}{]}{,}{n}{,}{,}


Smith $\emph{et al.}$ proposed about blahblah \cite{SmithTest}.


Here is the bib file test.bib:

  title = {Test item},
  author = {Smith, A and Smith, B and Smith, C and Smith, D},
  year = {2022},
  journal = {Test},

Here is the result:

enter image description here

But is there any way that I can use the bib key and generate the Smith et al. automatically such as:

\how_to_cite{SmithTest} proposed about blahblah \cite{SmithTest}.

I tried searching here using cite author, etc, but could not solve it.

I don't know how to correctly express my problem and title with the right word. So, please tell me about it if there is any unclarity. Or if there are already some answers here.


The tfnlm is the Taylor & Francis Interactive style, which can be obtained from the official website or overleaf.

Best Answer

After checking the template on Overleaf, I do not think Taylor & Francis considered this possibility or prepared any implementation for it.

\citeauthor{}, as suggested by user187803, does not work with the tfnlm-bibstyle. The style supports \authorcite{}, but this cites the key, not the author name. So \authorcite{SmithTest} proposed about blahblah results in "SmithTest proposed about blahblah", not any form of "Smith et al. proposed about blahblah".

On the one hand, the publisher may discourage or even forbid "author [number]" style citations altogether. In this case, it may be advisable to reframe the text in a passive way like It was shown that blahblah \cite{SmithTest}.

If you want to use it regardless, I would assume the easiest way to get a consistent layout would be to define your own command for it:

\newcommand{\CiteOneAuth}[2]{#1 \cite{#2}}
\newcommand{\CiteMultAuth}[2]{#1 \textit{et al.} \cite{#2}}

\CiteMultAuth{Smith}{SmithTest} proposed about blahblah

The disadvantage will be that you will have to pay attention yourself that

  1. You use the correct version for articles with one vs. several authors
  2. You make sure to manually use the correct name in each case
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