Spacing – Spacing and Fitting a Big Reaction Mechanism with Chemfig


I want to replicate the following reaction mechanism:
enter image description here

Problems are:

  • Arrows are not middle centered to the compounds
  • Vertical and horizontal spacing is insufficient and unequal
  • Names appear at different distances
  • I ignore how to make everything fit inside the margins in a centered way (already tried \begin{small} \end{small} and until atom sep=0.1cm)

I thought \hspace{1em} would help, that is why I added it after each compound and arrow. I assigned a letter to each compound:

a = Q

b = 14THQ

c = DHQ

d = PCHA

e = PCHE

f = PCH

g = 58THQ

h = OPA

i = PB

This is my code:

\setchemfig{atom sep=0.8cm}



And this is my ugly result:

enter image description here

Best Answer

To make this kind of reaction mechanism, it is best to use the chemfig program. Chemfig package

I put the name of the molecules using markers, and invisible arrows, instead of using the \chemname command.

\documentclass[margin={2mm 2mm}]{standalone}


enter image description here