Chapterbib changes numbering of references into letters (chapterbib+sectionbib+amsbook)


I have the following problem. I am writing a thesis where I want to have separate bibliographies for each chapter. To this end, I use the chapterbib package with sectionbib option. The references in the main body are fine – in the form of [14] – but in the Bibliography section for some reason nubering is changed to letters. This problem does not appear when I remove sectionbib option. What I want is getting rid of numbering entries in the bibliography by letters and have it consistent with the main body, i.e., in the form of [14].
Here is the MWE (I'm including the whole preamble, as I never know what might matter):

%\geometry{a4paper, lmargin=4cm,rmargin=3.8cm}




%Commutative diagrams




%Orbit categories, coefficient systems
#1\dar[bend right,"#3"'] \\
#2\uar[bend right,"#4"']
\newcommand{\ogpr}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{O}_{G_1\times G_2}}}


%Stirling numbers


\end{document}  ``` 
and here is the file ch_MWE:
```\chapter*{A chapter with a citation}
I have a citation: \cite{MR0420609}

and the item from .bib file

@book {MR0420609,
    AUTHOR = {Boardman, J. M. and Vogt, R. M.},
     TITLE = {Homotopy invariant algebraic structures on topological spaces},
    SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 347},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York},
      YEAR = {1973},
     PAGES = {x+257},
   MRCLASS = {55D35},
  MRNUMBER = {0420609},
MRREVIEWER = {J. Stasheff},

Best Answer

The class defines its own bibliography commands. It is probably best not to use sectionbib but the tools of the class:




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