Table of Contents – Placing Chapter Number Above Chapter Name in ToC Using Tocloft

table of contentstocloft

I'm trying to set my table of contents using the tocloft package (using this question as a guide) to get something like this:
enter image description here
And this is what I've done so far







\section{See you soon}


enter image description here

Best Answer

The following does what I think you want.

% tocchapprob.tex SE 634861


%% eventually the number of the next chapter

%% set nextchap to the number of the next chapter

%% add centered Chapter number into the ToC
%    \vspace{\baselineskip}\centering \underline{\textbf{Chapter \Roman{nextchap}}}\par}



% get the number of the next chapter
% add centered Chapter number into the ToC
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{\baselineskip}\centering \underline{\textbf{Chapter \Roman{nextchap}}}\par}


Sectional text.

Nextchap is \thenextchap, and chapter is \thechapter.

\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{\baselineskip}\centering \underline{\textbf{Chapter \Roman{nextchap}}}\par}

Nextchap is \thenextchap, and chapter is \thechapter.

\section{See you soon}


enter image description here

You could, perhaps, make the user interface a little simpler, but that is up to you.

EDIT If you wanted dot leaders between the chapter titles and page numbers then add \renewcommand{\cftchapdotsep}{\cftdotsep} into your preamble.