Section Titles – Chapter Headings on the Side with Ornaments in LaTeX


I'd love for the book I'm writing to have subsections headed as in this book I read recently, appearing at the side within an ornament. What's a reasonable way to obtain such?

enter image description here

Best Answer

While TikZ isn't actually needed for this, it does make aligning the text and clip art easier.


\savebox{\decorationbox}{\includegraphics[height={\dimexpr 5\baselineskip-2pt}, width=4cm] {example-image}}% clip art for frame

\setlength{\decorationmargin}{\dimexpr \textwidth-\wd\decorationbox+\marginparwidth}

\newcommand{\decoration}[1]% #1 = text
  0pt \textwidth
  0pt \decorationmargin
  0pt \decorationmargin
  0pt \decorationmargin
  0pt \decorationmargin
  0pt \decorationmargin
  0pt \textwidth
  \leavevmode\marginpar{\strut\hrule height0pt % align top of tikzpicture to bottom of \strut
    \hfill\llap{\begin{tikzpicture}% align right side of tikzpicture to right side of marginpar area 
      \node[inner sep=0pt] (DCbox) {\usebox\decorationbox};
      \node[draw,fill=white,text width=0.7\wd\decorationbox,font=\raggedright] at ( {#1};


\decoration{This is a test}


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