Changing default margins in template


I need to change the margins on a template for at school-report. Right now it looks like it thinks it's a book, because every other side startes its margins to far in on the paper.

This is the only commands I see, could determine the margins:

\documentclass[final, danish]{packages/DocLayout} 



We've tried putting in the geometry package, like this: \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in,footskip=0.25in]{geometry}

But that doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

If you are using the AAU report template which I wrote 2 years ago. In DocLayout it uses the scrreprt from KOMAscript




\LoadClass[twoside, open=right, numbers=noenddot]{scrreprt}

You will need to look into the KOMA-script manual to find a way to change the margins. After a little searching I found the DIV option. Setting it to 14 should give a small margin. But you can change the value to your liking.

\documentclass[final, danish, DIV=14]{packages/DocLayout}

There might be other ways to set the margin in KOMA script, but I never looked into it as I preferred the standard.

UPDATE If you want even margins, you need to change from a two sided report style to a one sided report style (even margins). In DocLayout at the \LoadClass line, change twoside to either twoside=semi or oneside

\LoadClass[twoside, open=right, numbers=noenddot]{scrreprt} % change twoside to either twoside=semi or oneside

You will also need to apply the same change to the \KOMAoption{twoside} line in frontpage.tex

\KOMAoptions{twoside = semi}
        \insertfigure*[width = 0.3\columnwidth]{example-image-1x1}
\KOMAoptions{twoside} % change twoside to either twoside=semi or oneside