Changing caption label font not working


I've been trying to change the format of caption labels for figures, following the documentation. However, I can't seem to make it not be in small caps, despite multiple attempts. The package seems to otherwise work normally, as setting the "fontlabel" option to "bf" gives me a bolded result (but still in small caps). The following minimal-working example:



            \caption{\textit{Wacht\string! Euch zum Streit gefasset macht}, acte III, \enquote{O fröliche Zeit}, mes. 8-12.}
            \caption{\textit{Wacht\string! Euch zum Streit gefasset macht}, acte III, \enquote{Ich kann nicht mehr}, mes. 6-13.}
        \caption[]{Insert musical analysis caption here.}


Gives the below output once compiled to a pdf:


I don't know if this might be caused by some conflict between the caption and subcaption packages or if I'm missing something. Cheers,

Best Answer

You're being bitten by babel-french. Use


Note that the manual has SmallCapsFigTabcaptions, but it's wrong.





\caption{\textit{Wacht\string! Euch zum Streit gefasset macht}, acte III, 
  \enquote{O fröliche Zeit}, mes. 8-12.}

\caption{\textit{Wacht\string! Euch zum Streit gefasset macht}, acte III,
  \enquote{Ich kann nicht mehr}, mes. 6-13.}

\caption{Insert musical analysis caption here.}\label{fig:rhetoric}


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