Change the style of chapters (sections) of the .pdf document from rstudio with knitr package LATEX “titlesec”


I try to style the chapters (sections) of an article document (documentclass: article) using the latex titlesec package, but I don't get any results, I mean that when I configure the document there is no change.

In the YAML header of rmarkdown

## Style Chapter - package "TITLESEC"
  - \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
  - \usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}

Outside the YAML header

<!-- TITLESEC - Estilo CAPÍTULOS -->

In the .tex file the code of the chapter (section):

\section{Name Section}\label{name-section}}

Best Answer

As you noted, there are no chapters but sections in an article document class. Therefore, it's funny that you try to redefine a command that does not exist. On the other hand, it is not clear to me what are you trying to do with \titleformat, but I guess that you are searching for some like this:


docummentclass: article
    number_sections: yes
- \usepackage{titlesec, xcolor, lipsum}
# \titleformat{command}[shape]{format}{label}{sep}{before-code}[after-code]
- \titleformat{\section}{\Huge\bfseries}{\thesection\hspace{20pt}\textcolor{gray!75}{|}}{20pt}{}

# Introduction

# Objectives