Change the Bold Text in Math Mode to Normal


I have an issue in a quite large document i have with Latex. I am writing a lot in math mode, especially with align function, but the output always turns out bold!I do not wish that all text I write in math mode gets this new bold look, and I do not know why it started doing that. I want the math output to be the "usual", I will post a picture of how the output looks vs how it should be.

This is my current font of my output:
The not desired font of output

This is my desired font of the output (don't look at the content)
The desired font of output (do not look at content)

Its quite hard to show the code as I have a rather large document with several files and inputs, but I am putting in the main code below, and the section of the math mode.

The section with code ( it is in the file called 3.tex which is an input in the mainsheet.

\frac{dV}{dt} = e^TF \\
\frac{dn}{dt} = C_{in}F + RV

My Main Sheet with all initialisation

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} %type document
\linespread{1.15} %linjeafstand
\usepackage[margin=1.5in]{geometry}  % For margin alignment
\usepackage{algorithm} %a lgorithms
\usepackage{arevmath}  % For math symbols
\usepackage[noend]{algpseudocode} %algorithms
\usepackage{graphicx} % bilder
\usepackage{geometry} % layout
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} %Adds "References" to the table of contents
% giver flere muligheder til at lave nummererede lister

\geometry{top=2.5cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm}
\lhead{Bachelor Thesis}

\fancyfoot[c]{Page \thepage \ of\ \pageref{LastPage}}

\title{Bachelor Thesis}

%Includes "References" in the table of contents


% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%% Sections with roman numbers %%%%%%%% 
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\fancyfoot[c]{Page \thepage}
  %  \tableofcontents \pagebreak
\fancyfoot[c]{Page \thepage \ of\ \pageref{LastPage}}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%% Sections with arabic numbers %%%%%%%% 
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Best Answer

Do you like to have only math fonts in sans serif? From second showed image can be concluded, that all document should be in sheriff font:

enter image description here

\usepackage{geometry} % layout

% sans serif math font? If yes, uncomment one of the next packages
%\usepackage{arevmath}  % For math symbols
%\usepackage{sfmath}     % try it instead above

% for showed equation


\frac{dV}{dt} & = e^TF \\
\frac{dn}{dt} & = C_{in}F + RV
\mathrm{NIP} = \frac{\qty{-6.94}{\kilogram}\text{ \ce{CO2}-eq}}
                    {\qty{8400}{\kilogram}\ \ce{CO2}/\text{-eq/person/year}}
             = -0.00083 \text{ pr. person/year}

In the case, that math should use sans sheriff fonts, the font selected by arevmath package cause (as already mentioned mentioned @dalef in his comment, a bit thicker fonts. For thinner font you need to change used math font, for example with sfmath:

enter image description here

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