Change Lewis line width using chemfig


I'm drawing chemical molecules with Chemfig and, in the preamble, I defined a 0.8pt width for the lines. However, the line style doesn't apply on Lewis ones…
How can I do to fit them so that they have a 0.8pt width as well?
Here is the code :

\setchemfig{bond style={line width=0.8pt}, atom sep=30pt}
\chemfig[line width=4pt]{H-C(-[:90]H)(-[:-90]H)-C(=[:90]\lewis{13,O})-\lewis{26,O}-C(-[:90]H)(-[:-90]H)-C(-[:90]H)(-[:-90]H)-H}

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Best Answer

\setchemfig{bond style={line width=0.8pt}, atom sep=30pt}
\setcharge{|style={line width=0.8pt}}

enter image description here

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