Change font type in Clean Thesis version v0.4.1 2020/06/17


I am using the clean thesis template to write a thesis. Which looks good, however, I want to change the font of the main text to comicneue.

Eddited: I am passing the option to use sans-serif in the package options: \PassOptionsToPackage{…., sansserif=true,…}{cleanthesis}

Also, I found the code section in cleanthesis.sty where it supposes the template do the change from Serif to Sans-Serif, using the define font types:

\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}        % font types and character verification
% \ifthenelse{\boolean{@sansserif}}%
%   {
% Using sans-serif fonts
%       \RequirePackage{helvet}
%       \RequirePackage{opensans}
%       \RequirePackage{comicneue}
%       \RequirePackage{tgadventor}
%   }{%
        % Using serif fonts
%       \RequirePackage{lmodern}    % font set: Latin Modern
%       \RequirePackage{charter}    % font set: Charter
%   }

I uncommented the code so the template uses comicneue as the SS font type. However, for some reason, the font does not change.

I changed it to libertine to check if the code was working, and yes, the font changes:
enter image description here

But when I change it to comicneue, the font "returns" to what it looks to me as a default sans serif font for scrreprt class (I do not know if this is true).

enter image description here

I tried both, with and without [default] option when loading the package but in no vail.

More than the specific comicneue font type, what I'm looking for is to use a font type in the main text that makes the letters a and g appear like we do it by hand. So, also I also tried with TEX Gyre Adventor tgadventor qag but with no vail. What it is interesting is that I am using the same qag font type for chapter and section font and the template accepts it, but not for the main text.


Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

In cleanthesis.sty we find

% own font definitions

\newcommand{\thesispartfont}{\color{ctcolorparttext}\nobreak\normalfont\huge \tgherosfont\selectfont}
\newcommand{\thesischapterfont}{\color{ctcolorblack}\nobreak\normalfont\huge \fontfamily{phv}\selectfont}
%\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolormain}\nobreak\LARGE\bfseries \tgherosfont}
\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsection}\nobreak\normalfont\LARGE \tgherosfont}
\newcommand{\thesissubsectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsubsection}\nobreak\normalfont\Large \tgherosfont}

    \normalfont\normalsize\bfseries \tgherosfont%
    \normalfont\footnotesize \tgherosfont%
% headings
\setkomafont{part}{\thesispartfont} % for chapter entries
\setkomafont{chapter}{\thesischapterfont} % for chapter entries
\setkomafont{section}{\thesissectionfont} % for section entries
\setkomafont{subsection}{\thesissubsectionfont} % for section entries

which is really disputable. It's not clear why qbk (Bookman) is used for parts: it's a serif font really incompatible with any of the other choices. Why alternating between phv (Helvetica) and qhv (Heros)? Why the obviously wrong \nobreak commands?

You might want to change the definitions of the fonts for the sectional titles to use \normalfont.





This is a test


This is a test


enter image description here

This said, a thesis is a SERIOUS document. While ComicNeue is not as ugly as ComicSans, it is completely inappropriate for a serious document.

Would you like to see the Constitution of your country printed that way? Or do you believe that anybody would even think to print a Papal Bull in ComicNeue? Your thesis is the achievement of years of study, don't ridicule it.

Are you ready to accept raised eyebrows or even laughs when the committee starts to examine your thesis? I don't think so.

Leave alone cleanthesis. It's badly written. If you insist, leave alone the sansserif option. And keep those redefinitions, so the fonts for titles are not set in some random font.





This is a test


This is a test


enter image description here

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