Change font locally (fdd)


I just started writing in latex, and am very disapponted about how to change the font for one sentence/paragraph. I read multiple questions but there is no real explanation.
What I was trying to achieve was to write the first page of my document in Bembo Std, but it seems that fonts have to be relased in packages, I cannot simply use one which is located in my machine. So, I searched for an alternative, and found the package fdd, but I have not been able to find how to use this only for one page and not for the whole document.
This is one of the ways I tried:

\documentclass [11pt,a4paper,twoside,openright]{book}
\graphicspath{ {./Images/} }



Text in fbb

\fontsize{16}{12}\selectfont {\bf Text}


Any help would be very much appreciated!

Best Answer

If using system fonts it is best to use lualatex (or xelatex) rather than pdflatex.

I don't have the font but here I show using one paragraph set in Arial system font from Windows, you could use Bembo Std if it is installed in your system just by changing the font name where indicated.

enter image description here


\newfontfamily\bembo{Arial}% Bembo Std



a paragraph (not) in bembo std


a paragraph in Latin Modern


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