Change algorithm name without global change


I am wondering is it possible instead of Algorithm 1" it could be something else, like "Code 1" without modifying other algorithms in my latex file (or without globally changing things).

I see this question has been asked many times but all of the solutions are either using different algorithm package or globally modify algorithm properties.


\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}


    \caption{Rule evaluator for classical attribute grammar}\label{alg:ag-eval}
    \Procedure{\texttt{AG\_EVAL}}{$r, Val$}
        \If{$r \equiv v_0 \texttt{=} g( v_1, \dots, v_n)$}
            \State $Val(v_0) \gets g( Val(v_1), \dots, Val(v_n))$


enter image description here

Best Answer

The trick was using { } or group to wrap the algorithm to prevent changing global settings and use floatname command to update the name.


\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}


{ % opening curly braces
\floatname{algorithm}{Code}  % replacing "Algorithm" with "Code"
    \caption{Rule evaluator for classical attribute grammar}\label{alg:ag-eval}
    \Procedure{\texttt{AG\_EVAL}}{$r, Val$}
        \If{$r \equiv v_0 \texttt{=} g( v_1, \dots, v_n)$}
            \State $Val(v_0) \gets g( Val(v_1), \dots, Val(v_n))$
} % closing curly braces




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