Math Mode – Center Align Columns in Math Mode in LaTeX


How can I center align columns in math mode using align* or one of the similar environments? I read that the columns in align environments align in the rlrlr pattern. How do I change this to a ccccc pattern?



To explore, I used the tabular environment switching from text to math mode here. The result is what I'm looking for, but it doesn't seem like the optimal method:

        $\dot{x}$ & $=$ & $A$ & $x$ & $+$ & $B$ & $u$\\


Is there a better way to achieve this?

Best Answer

Use array or bmatrix


x & f+g & r + t^{2}\\
a = b & \text{long text} & G = \Upsilon

a & b = b = u & c \\
d & e & f \\
g & h & i
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