Center a table in the widetext envrionment of the template `revtex’


I'd like to center a table in the the widetext envrionment of the template revtex, however it didn't work even if I use the command \centering, it also keep the twocolumns state. How can I make the table centered?

What's more, I've asked the samilar question about centering a tcolorbox in that environment and the answer is just add a [width=\textwidth] after the command \begin{tcolorbox}, so I tried add the same command after the command \begin{table} or \begin{tabular}, however it returned me a lot of errors.
The following is my MWE:



\title{A derivation to the article:\\Time-dependent transport in (non)interacting resonant-tunneling systems}

      \caption{Rules for analytic continuation}
        \multicolumn{1}{l}{Contour} & Real Axis \\
        \multirow{2}[0]{*}{$C=\int_CAB$} & $C^<=\int_t[A^rB^<+A^<B^a]$ \\
              & $C^r=\int_tA^rB^r$ \\
        \multirow{2}[0]{*}{$D=\int_CABC$} & $D^<=\int_t[A^rB^rC^<+A^rB^<C^a+A^<B^aC^a]$ \\
              & $D^r=\int_tA^rB^rC^r$ \\
        \multirow{2}[0]{*}{$C(\tau,\tau^\prime)=A(\tau,\tau^\prime)B(\tau,\tau^\prime)$} & $C^<(t,t^\prime)=A^<(t,t^\prime)B^<(t,t^\prime)$ \\
              & $\begin{aligned}
                C^r(t,t^\prime)=&A^<(t,t^\prime) B^r(t,t^\prime)+A^r(t,t^\prime)B^<(t,t^\prime)\\
              \end{aligned}$ \\
        \multirow{2}[0]{*}{$D(\tau,\tau^\prime)=A(\tau,\tau^\prime)B(\tau^\prime,\tau)$} & $D^<(t,t^\prime)=A^<(t,t^\prime)B^>(t^\prime,t)$ \\
              & $D^r(t,t^\prime)=A^<(t,t^\prime)B^a(t^\prime,t)+A^r(t,t^\prime)B^<(t^\prime,t)$ \\

The table can't be centered even if I'v used the command centering

Best Answer

I don't think that the revtex document class lets users employ \centering in widetext environments in ways we might be used to doing in other LaTeX document classes. At any rate, it's not particularly difficult to make the table fit inside the width of a normal column. Oh, and I'd use an array environment instead of a tabular environment to save myself from having to type lots and lots of $ symbols.

enter image description here


\title{A derivation to the article: Time-dependent transport \\
in (non)interacting resonant-tunneling systems}

\caption{Rules for analytic continuation}
$\begin{array}{@{} ll @{}}
\text{Contour} & \text{Real Axis} \\
C=\int_C AB
     & C^< = \int_t [A^rB^<+A^<B^a] \\ 
     & C^r = \int_t A^rB^r \\
D=\int_C ABC
     & D^< = \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}
               \int_t[A^rB^rC^< +A^rB^<C^a \\
               \quad +A^<B^aC^a]
             \end{array} \\ 
     & D^r =\int_t A^rB^rC^r \\
     & C^<(t,t') = A^<(t,t')B^<(t,t') \\ 
     & C^r(t,t') =
               A^<(t,t') B^r(t,t')\\
               \quad +A^r(t,t')B^<(t,t')\\
               \quad +A^r(t,t')B^r(t,t')
             \end{array} \\
D(\tau,\tau') =A(\tau,\tau')B(\tau',\tau) 
     & D^<(t,t') = A^<(t,t')B^>(t',t) \\ 
     & D^r(t,t') = 
               \quad +A^r(t,t')B^<(t',t) 
             \end{array} \\
