Vertical Alignment – How to Align Cells Vertically in Tabularray

tabularrayvertical alignment

I've run into a problem that I can't seem to find a solution. I am using package tabularray, since I have some long tables. My table has a mix of figures and text, and I would like the left-most column to be aligned in the middle and center. However, I have tried using column{1} = {valign=m}, cell{2}{1} = {m} and also \SetRow{m}, and other options (renewcommand, using package adjustbox) to no avail.

Below is a simplified code and the output.


    caption = {My Table},
        colspec = {| M{0.15\textwidth} | M{0.4\textwidth} | M{0.4\textwidth}|},
        rowhead = 1,
        row{even} = {gray9},
        row{1} = {white},
        cell{2}{1} = {m},
%       column{1} = {valign=m},
    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} & \textbf{Column 3} \\ \hline
    This cell should be centered vertically
    & {\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth]{example-image} \\ Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not}
    & {\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth]{example-image} \\ Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not} \\ \hline

More text here.


Best Answer

Using tabularray package, you should use its syntax, which is quit different form syntax of " classic" table packages. For details see package documentation:


caption = {My Table},
  label ={tab:l??}]{hlines, vlines,
                    colspec = {X[0.4,c,m] X[h,j] X[h,j]},
                    rowhead = 1,
                    row{even} = {gray9},
                    row{1} = {font=\bfseries, bg=white},
Column 1    & Column 2  & Column 3                          \\
This cell should be centered vertically
    &   \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image}\par
        Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not
    &   \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image}\par
        Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not  \\

More text here.

enter image description here

If you prefer that text below image is horizontally centered, that use the following colspec:

colspec = {X[0.4,c,m] X[h,c]| X[h,c]},

For mor vertical padding in rows, you can add to table preamble option rowsep=<desired amount>. Default value is 2pt. Similarly you can change column separation by colsep=<desired amount> (default is 6pt). For example, considering equal separation between columns and rows gives:


caption = {My Table},
  label ={tab:l??}]{hlines, vlines,
                    colspec = {X[0.4,c,m] X[h,j] X[h,j]},
                    rowhead = 1,
                    row{even} = {gray9},
                    row{1} = {font=\bfseries, bg=white},
                    colsep=4pt, rowsep=4pt,  % <-----
Column 1    & Column 2  & Column 3                          \\
This cell should be centered horizontaly and vertically
    &   \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image-duck}\par
        Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not
    &   \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{example-image-duck}\par
        Text that can contain multiple lines but maybe not  \\

More text here.

enter image description here