Capitalize first letter in list of acronyms using the acro package


How can I capitalize the first letter in the list of acronyms with the acro package without adjusting all acronym declarations? A solution that capitalizes all first letters of all words would also be acceptable.

What I have tried

acro allows setting individual formats for list entries.
However, \MakeUppercase affects all letters instead of only the first one (see MWE). \capitalisewords has not effect.



%\usepackage{mfirstuc}  % for \capitalisewords
\DeclareAcronym{PC}{short=PC,long=personal computer}


I am writing this on my \ac{PC}.

%\acsetup{format/list={\capitalisewords}}  % has no effect
\acsetup{format/list={\MakeUppercase}}  % not working as expected


With \MakeUppercase:

enter image description here

Without \MakeUppercase:

enter image description here

Related questions do not apply

I have found several related questions, but none seems to apply.

Capitalize the first letter in acronym list solutions are specific to acronym package, or require redefinition of all acronym declarations (which I would like to avoid)
Capitalization of the first letter in acronym list refers to Capitalize the first letter in acronym list
Capitalize first letter of each word when printing list of acronyms solutions are specific to glossaries package or require redefinition of all acronym declarations
capitalisation and list of acronyms solutions are specific to glossaries package
How to get acronyms entries in uppercase letters and capitalize only the first letter of the entries from the glossary? specific to glossaries package

Best Answer

It looks like I haven't documented all options… :|

You have to set the option uppercase/list:



\DeclareAcronym{PC}{short=PC,long=personal computer}


I am writing this on my \ac{PC}.



enter image description here

If you want the first letter of each word capitalised, i.e., want to use mfirstuc then you have to set the option list/uppercse/cmd as well and use \ecapitalisewords:


  uppercase/list ,
  list/uppercase/cmd = \ecapitalisewords

\DeclareAcronym{PC}{short=PC,long=personal computer}


I am writing this on my \ac{PC}.



enter image description here

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