Boxed equation with title and subtitle using tcolorbox

boxesequationshorizontal alignmenttcolorboxvertical alignment

I'm looking for a method to improve my current command:

    colback = blizzardblue!30!white, colframe = white,
    top = -0.3cm, bottom = 0.1cm]\begin{flalign}
        \text{\bfseries #1} && #2 & &

that produces

enter image description here

What I want to improve is to be allowed to write a second title for the equation. Using a table, I get this:

enter image description here

but I couldn't find a way to center horizontally and vertically the equation. The code for the table is this:

    colback = blizzardblue!30!white, colframe = white]
        \bfseries Clausius's Theorem 
        & $\dps\sideset{_R}{}\oint \frac{\dbar Q}{T} = 0$ & \refstepcounter{equation}(\theequation) \\
        \bfseries Part of the Second Law of Thermodynamics

I'm using this packages:

\usepackage[scr = rsfso]{mathalfa} 

\definecolor{blizzardblue}{rgb}{0.4, 0.6, 0.8}
\tcbuselibrary{skins, breakable, hooks, theorems}

The best answer to the question must contain the equation centered (horizontally and vertically) and a command (like the one I wrote) to produce the table/environment with 3 arguments: #1 equation (mandatory) and, if it's possible, #2 primary title (optional) and #3 secundary title (optional). I don't know if this possible to have more than one optional argument. Thanks for reading and for you help!

Best Answer

I'd set the second part outside the flalign.

\usepackage[scr = rsfso]{mathalfa} % para \mathscr
\usepackage{mathtools} % si molesta sacar.

\tcbuselibrary{skins, breakable, hooks, theorems}

\definecolor{blizzardblue}{rgb}{0.4, 0.6, 0.8}


    colback = blizzardblue!30!white,
    colframe = white,
    \IfValueT{#1}{\textbf{#1}} && #2 &&
  \IfValueT{#3}{\bfseries #3}


\deq[Clausius's Theorem]
  {\sideset{_R}{}\oint \frac{\dbar Q}{T} = 0}

\deq[Clausius's Theorem]
  {\sideset{_R}{}\oint \frac{\dbar Q}{T} = 0}
  [Part of the Second Law of Thermodynamics]


enter image description here