Book page numbering for ToC and first pages of chapters


I'm working with the book document class for the first time and I noticed that the page numbering is different for the table of content and the first page of each chapter: instead of being placed on the top of the page, the number is placed on the bottom in these cases.

Why is this the case? I think it is very inconvenient to have to look for the page numbering at a different location in some cases…

So, the second question is: how can I change this? I would like to stick with the default page numbering options but have them consistent for all pages.

This is my minimal example, I am using xelatex in case that is relevant:



\title{Test page numbering}






\chapter{First chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}


Best Answer

As suggested in the comments, you can redefine the plain style that \chapter invokes.

W ithout using additional packages this code will work with 2-sided printing (chapters starting on odd pages, adding a blank page if necessary) or single-sided printing (chapter starting on the next page, odd or even)

See the Chapter 2 page (and the page before) using \documentclass[oneside]{book}

Two side


One side



%\documentclass[oneside]{book}% try it <<<<<<<<

\makeatletter % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\title{Test page numbering}

    \chapter{First chapter}
    \section{A section}
    \section{Another section}
    \chapter{Second chapter}
