TikZ-PGF – Book Design and Chapter Numbering


I'm trying to replicate this design but I'm struggling to do it.
Any advice ?
enter image description here

This is what I tried

\definecolor{pBlue}{RGB}{102, 53, 153}
\definecolor{col}{RGB}{45, 136, 119}
\definecolor{MainRed}{rgb}{.8, .1, .1}
\definecolor{pBlue}{RGB}{102, 53, 153}
\definecolor{col}{RGB}{45, 136, 119}
\definecolor{MainRed}{rgb}{.8, .1, .1}
\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{exo}[2][]{%
before skip=1.5cm ,
after skip=1.5cm ,
frame hidden,
attach boxed title to top left, 
boxed title style={empty},
\node[circle,fill=green!90!black,minimum size=8mm] (circ) at (frame.north west) {};
\node[fill=green,anchor=west,minimum height=8mm,minimum width=2.5cm,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}] at (circ) {Exercice};
\node[fill=white,line width=2pt,circle,draw=green,minimum size=1cm,right=1.9cm of circ,font=\LARGE\sffamily\color{black!20!teal}] (num) {\thetcbcounter};
\node[rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle west arc=0pt, minimum height=0.7cm,fill=black!20!teal,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}, drop shadow={opacity=.5,shadow xshift=0pt},right=.5cm of num]  {#2};
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([shift={(-20pt, 13pt)}]frame.north west) coordinate (iniPoint)
-- (iniPoint|-frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-30pt]frame.south east)
to[out=0, in=-90] ([yshift=30pt]frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east) -- ++(-2.5, 0) coordinate (endPoint) -- ++(-3pt, 3pt) -- ++(-3pt, -3pt)
-- ++(3pt, -3pt) -- (endPoint);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=4pt]iniPoint) -- ++(-8pt, 0);
\draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -10pt) -- ++(12pt, 0);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -14pt)-- ++(12pt, 0);
        color  = white ,
        fill   = green ,
        font   =\bfseries\fontsize{25}{25}\selectfont\sffamily ,
        minimum size = .5in ,
        yshift = 0.5in
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        %\draw[pBlue] (current page.north west)--([shift={(1.5,0)}]current page.north west){[rounded corners=5pt]--++(0,-13)--++(-120:2)}
        %|-(current page.south west)--cycle;
        \fill [orange]
        ($(current page.north east)+(-1.2,-1)$){--++(-17,0)--++(0,-1.5)} --++(17,0)--cycle;
        \fill [green]
        ($(current page.north east)+(-1.2,-1)$);
        \fill [green]
        ($(current page.north east)+(-1.2,-1)$){--++(-2,0)--++(0,-1.5)} --++(2,0)--cycle;   
        \node[white] at([shift={(-4.25,-1.25)}]current page.north east){\centering\fontsize{15}{15}\scshape\bfseries\selectfont{}};
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
        ([shift={(-.75, -.75)}]current page.north east) coordinate (A)|-([xshift=2cm,yshift=1cm]current page.south west)
        to[out=180, in=-90] ([xshift=1cm,yshift=2cm]current page.south west)coordinate (B)
        -- ([yshift=-1cm]B|-current page.north west)--++(1,0)coordinate (C);
        \draw[black!20!teal,line width=4pt] (C)-- ++(10pt, 10pt) -- ++(10pt, -10pt)
        -- ++(-10pt, -10pt)--cycle;
        \draw[line width=3pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=-12pt]A) -- ++(24pt, 0);
        \draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (A) ++(6pt, -10pt) -- ++(-12pt, 0);
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (A) ++(6pt, -14pt)-- ++(-12pt, 0);
        \node[right,page] at ([yshift=-5pt]current page.south)
        {\thepage} ;
        \fill[green] (current page.north west)--([shift={(.5,0)}]current page.north west){--++(0,-14)--++(-120:.75)}
        |-(current page.south west)--cycle;
        \fill[col]([xshift=6pt]current page.south west) rectangle ++(6,.8);
        \node[white] at([shift={(3,.4)}]current page.south west){{\Large\bfseries{footer}}};

%start label for new stuff

\begin{exo}{Convergence faible dans un espace pr\'ehilbertien}
Soit $H$ un espace pr\'ehilbertien r\'eel et soit $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ une suite d'\'el\'ements de $H$.
\item Montrer que si $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge faiblement, alors la limite est unique.
\item Montrer que si $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge fortement alors $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge 

And this is the result

enter image description here

I would like to do the same thing for the top of the page (Facebook logo, blue square: Level…) and the design and numbering of the chapters as in the initial image. And the same thing for the footer without forgetting the police used.

In fact I want exactly the same thing as in this image.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Hope this is what you want:

\definecolor{pBlue}{RGB}{102, 53, 153}
\definecolor{col}{RGB}{45, 136, 119}
\definecolor{MainRed}{rgb}{.8, .1, .1}
\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{exo}[2][]{%
before skip=1.5cm ,
after skip=1.5cm ,
frame hidden,
attach boxed title to top left, 
boxed title style={empty},
\node[circle,fill=green!90!black,minimum size=8mm] (circ) at (frame.north west) {};
\node[fill=green,anchor=west,minimum height=8mm,minimum width=2.5cm,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}] at (circ) {Exercice};
\node[fill=white,line width=2pt,circle,draw=green,minimum size=1cm,right=1.9cm of circ,font=\LARGE\sffamily\color{black!20!teal}] (num) {\thetcbcounter};
\node[rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle west arc=0pt, minimum height=0.7cm,fill=black!20!teal,font=\large\bfseries\color{white}, drop shadow={opacity=.5,shadow xshift=0pt},right=.5cm of num]  {#2};
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
([shift={(-20pt, 13pt)}]frame.north west) coordinate (iniPoint)
-- (iniPoint|-frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-30pt]frame.south east)
to[out=0, in=-90] ([yshift=30pt]frame.south east)
-- (frame.north east) -- ++(-2.5, 0) coordinate (endPoint) -- ++(-3pt, 3pt) -- ++(-3pt, -3pt)
-- ++(3pt, -3pt) -- (endPoint);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=4pt]iniPoint) -- ++(-8pt, 0);
\draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -10pt) -- ++(12pt, 0);
\draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (iniPoint) ++(-6pt, -14pt)-- ++(12pt, 0);
        color  = white ,
        fill   = green ,
        font   =\bfseries\fontsize{25}{25}\selectfont\sffamily ,
        minimum size = .5in ,
        yshift = 0.5in

        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        %\draw[pBlue] (current page.north west)--([shift={(1.5,0)}]current page.north west){[rounded corners=5pt]--++(0,-13)--++(-120:2)}
        %|-(current page.south west)--cycle;
        \node (orangebox) [minimum width=17cm,minimum height=1.5cm, fill=orange,draw=none, line width=0pt,align=center,anchor=north east] at ($(current page.north east)+(-1.2,-1)$) {\leftmark\\\rightmark};
        \node [draw=none,line width=0pt,fill=green,anchor=north east] at ($(current page.north east)+(-1.2,-1)$)[font=\color{white}\fontsize{1.3cm}{1.3cm}\selectfont,minimum height=1.5cm,minimum width=2cm] {\ifnum\value{chapter}<10 0\fi\thechapter};
        \node [above=5pt of orangebox,inner sep=0pt] {\parbox{17cm}{\sffamily$\color{Cyan}\blacksquare$ Niveau : $2^e$ Bac.SM\hfill {\color{blue}\faFacebook}\space X-MATH\'EMATIQUES\hfill$\color{Cyan}\blacksquare$ Prof : Yassine Aouami}};
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal]
        ([shift={(-.75, -.75)}]current page.north east) coordinate (A)|-([xshift=2cm,yshift=1cm]current page.south west)
        to[out=180, in=-90] ([xshift=1cm,yshift=2cm]current page.south west)coordinate (B)
        -- ([yshift=-1cm]B|-current page.north west)--++(1,0)coordinate (C);
        \draw[black!20!teal,line width=4pt] (C)-- ++(10pt, 10pt) -- ++(10pt, -10pt)
        -- ++(-10pt, -10pt)--cycle;
        \draw[line width=3pt, black!20!teal] ([xshift=-12pt]A) -- ++(24pt, 0);
        \draw [line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (A) ++(6pt, -10pt) -- ++(-12pt, 0);
        \draw[line width=1.5pt, black!20!teal] (A) ++(6pt, -14pt)-- ++(-12pt, 0);
        \node[right,page] at ([yshift=-5pt]current page.south)
        {\thepage} ;
        \fill[green] (current page.north west)--([shift={(.5,0)}]current page.north west){--++(0,-14)--++(-120:.75)}
        |-(current page.south west)--cycle;
        \fill[col]([xshift=6pt]current page.south west) rectangle ++(6,.8);
        \node[white] at([shift={(3,.4)}]current page.south west){{\Large\bfseries{footer}}};

%start label for new stuff
\chapter{Function logarithmes et exponentielles}
\section{Feuille d'exercices \texttt{\#}03}\clearpage

\begin{exo}{Convergence faible dans un espace pr\'ehilbertien}
Soit $H$ un espace pr\'ehilbertien r\'eel et soit $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ une suite d'\'el\'ements de $H$.
\item Montrer que si $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge faiblement, alors la limite est unique.
\item Montrer que si $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge fortement alors $(x_n)_{n\ge0}$ converge 
\section{Feuille d'exercices \texttt{\#}04}

enter image description here