Bibliography leveled down to subsection

biblatexbibliographiessectioningtable of contents

I used the option

bibliography=leveldown in my scrbook documentclass to make a bibliography at the end of each section. I am using biblatex. Can I leveldown it by two levels instead? In other words can I have my bibliography as a subsection?

I tried heading=subbibliography but does not seem to do it, and it changes the title from "bibliography" to "bibliographic recerences"

In addition, the section Bibliography that I get with leveldown does not show up in the toc along with the other sections and subsections. How can I have it in the toc?

Best Answer

Neither KOMA-Script nor biblatex have a ready-made option to move the bibliography two levels down, so you will have to manually redefine the heading. (Generally, there are easy-to-use options for common tasks. For less common requests you may have to use other interfaces.)

Assuming this is going to be the standard heading in your document, redefine the bibliography heading with \defbibheading. You presumably want an unnumbered subsection (\subsection*). If you want an entry in the ToC, add \addxcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#1}.


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}



\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section One}
Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}


ToC of the document: The bibliography is listed as an unnumbered subsection.

If you want to use leveldown you can combine that option with totoc to obtain a ToC entry for the bibliography at section level.

\documentclass[british, bibliography=leveldown, bibliography=totoc]{scrbook}

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}


\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section One}
Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson}


ToC of document with unnumbered bibliography at section level.

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