Bibliography and big Table are intersecting in IEEEtran template


I am trying to fit a double column table in IEEEtran format but the underlying issue is that the bibliography is intersecting the table like this:

enter image description here

\begin{table}[t]  % t to make it on top
\parbox{\textwidth}{\caption{Comparison between the EWQEWWQEWQE and HTHQGDQWE}}
\setlength\doublerulesep{1.5pt}% <-- set distance between double rule

\begin{tabular}{c||c c c c c}
\textbf{AA} & \textbf{BBB}       & \textbf{CCC}   & \textbf{DDD}                                                           & \textbf{Capacitance vs. Voltage/State} & \textbf{EEEE}          \\ \Xhline{1pt}
\textbf{FFFF}  & 43$\degree$                        & 4$\degree$                          
& \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}ABCDEFGH; \\[-0.3cm] EFGHIJKL\end{tabular} & ABCDEFGH                            & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}WACFWD \\[-0.3cm] KGWHWRQW \end{tabular}                           \\ 
\textbf{QJSHGEQ}       & ABCDEFHW                         & ABCEDHWAW                         & ABCEDHWAWR                                                         & ABCDHEWAW                                & ABCDEHWQ               \\ \hhline{=#=====}
\textbf{ABCDEWQ} & \textbf{ABCDWAHW} & \textbf{ABCDWAWE} & \textbf{ABDWQ EWQ}                                                                 & \textbf{Control}                       & \textbf{ABCDWH QWE} \\ \Xhline{1pt}
\textbf{ABCDHWQWE}  & ABEWHQWE                & QBWEHQWEHWQ    & WQBEWQWE                                                                          & JQWEDEQ               & BWEQWEQ             \\ 
\textbf{EWQEDTC}       & VJWEQWEWQWE                  & HEWQWEDFWQ     & JEWQWESQER                                                                           & EWQWEEWQWE              & JEWQWE EWQWE             \\ 

The table is located at the top of the page and the bibtex begins on the left column below this table and continues on the right column but as you can see it starts at the right column from the top.

I made several attempts to fix this:

Attempt 1: Place \begin{table*} instead of \begin{table} but this made the table completely vanish from its position and reappears at the end of the document.

Attempt 2: Place multicols on the reference, this forced the references to be in double column format on the left format like this:

enter image description here

The two columns above are both located entirely on the left column (multicols should seperate one column to left and one column to right but in my case it generated two columns and placed them in the left column).

I would hope for some assistance or suggestion.

Best Answer

  • If I correctly understood your problem, your table width require that it span both document columns. For this you need to replace table with table*. -Code for table is unnecessary complex. For example, instead nested tables you ca use \makecell command defined in the package of the same name and use rules from booktabs instead \hhlines (both packages you load in document preamble}.
  • That table* can appear on the same page where it is insert in text, load package stfloats.
  • Using tabularray package for table make code more concide:
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}


\caption{Comparison between the EWQEWWQEWQE and HTHQGDQWE}
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {@{} X[l, font=\bfseries] | *{5}{X[l]} @{}},
              row{1} = {font=\bfseries, m},
              rowsep = 3pt
AA      &   BBB &   CCC &   DDD &   Capacitance vs. Voltage/State
                                        &   EEEE                \\ 
FFFF    & \qty{43}{\degree}                        
                & \qty{4}{\degree}
                        & ABCDEFGH;  EFGHIJKL
                                & ABCDEFGH
                                        & WACFWD KGWHWRQW   \\
                & ABCEDHWAW 
                        & ABCEDHWAWR 
                                & ABCDHEWAW
                                        & ABCDEHWQ               \\ 
                & ABCDWAWE
                        & ABDWQ EWQ 
                                & Control
                                        & ABCDWH QWE            \\ 
                        & WQBEWQWE
                                & JQWEDEQ
                                        & BWEQWEQ               \\
                & HEWQWEDFWQ     
                        & JEWQWESQER
                                & EWQWEEWQWE              
                                        & JEWQWE EWQWE          \\

enter image description here

If you prefer, that cells contents are centered (and not left align, what is to my taste nice), you need in column specification replace l with c.

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