Biblatex double last name issues with imported zotero in overleaf


I am writing a large text in overleaf using an import zotero biblatex. Whenever I want to cite a double last name like 'van Garderen' than the 'van' disappears. There are some questions on this platform about it, but never with an importet zotero biblatex, and thus I have not managed to fix it.

the code for the bibliography is as follows in the cls file:

\RequirePackage[style=authoryear, isbn=false,url=false,natbib=true, uniquename=false]{biblatex}

And in the reference tex file:


the imported zotero references look as follows:

    title = {A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline},
    volume = {21},
    rights = {All rights reserved},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021},
    pages = {171--186},
    number = {1},
    journaltitle = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences},
    author = {van Garderen, L. and Feser, F. and Shepherd, T. G.},
    date = {2021},

The uniquename=false is needed to make sure first names are not used. However with or without does not change the issue at hand.

Because I am importing from zotero I cannot add brackets to the .bib files, and according to the resources on this platform the organisation of the author names is correct to prevent the double last name issues. Still the citation looks like Garderen (2021) instead of van Garderen (2021). There is not difference if I cite with \citep{} or with \autocite{}.

Does anybody have any advice how I can correct this?

Best Answer

You can use the useprefix key to switch the printing of the van on and off.