\bibentry does not display reference using beamer


I use the beamer documentclass and it does not typeset a bibentry.

I have found some related answers but none of them is exactly my situation:

Beamer and Bibentry

thebibliography do not display references inside braces [ ]

Bibentry does not show cite

My code is:


\author{Joe Smith \\ Famous University}
\date{February 2022}
\title{Clickbait title}



\begin{frame}[fragile]{The starting point}



The starting point slide contains only the title. The cc.bbl file does contain the bibliographical entry, so bibtex has found it in my bib file. My Makefile is:

all:        cc.tex
            xelatex cc
            bibtex cc
            xelatex cc
            xelatex cc

            rm cc.{aux,bbl,blg,log,out,pdf}

What does cause this non-typesetting and how can I overcome this?

Best Answer

You can avoid the empty extra slide at the beginning if you place \nobibliography inside of a frame environment, e.g.


\author{Joe Smith \\ Famous University}
\date{February 2022}
\title{Clickbait title}



\begin{frame}[fragile]{The starting point}
