Beamer subfig captions without prefixes


I am using the subfig package in Beamer to stack two images on top of each other. I'm using \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=empty} to get rid of the figure prefixes, but I am having trouble adding captions. My goal is two images (stacked, not side-by-side), with a caption under each image, but no prefix ("(a)") on the captions.

I'm trying to follow the example in Section 5.3 in the subfig docs, and here are the troubles I am having:

Here, the caption is split across two lines (and the second caption is gone, probably off the slide?). I also would like the images closer together (\label{fig:a}} \vspace{1em} does not change the output).



\caption look at dis face \\
\caption feed me


enter image description here

And in this effort, the prefixes are back and the caption is on the bottom. I am trying for something like the first effort above, with a caption under each figure.


\label{fig:a}} \\
\caption[]{ \subref{fig:a} look at dis face \subref{fig:b} feed me}


enter image description here

Best Answer

Like the following image?

enter image description here

With \subcaptionbox defined in the subcaption package:

\captionsetup[subfigure]{skip=0.5ex, labelformat=empty}


\subcaptionbox{look at dis face}{\includegraphics[height=3cm]{example-image-duck}}

\subcaptionbox{feed me}{\includegraphics[height=3cm]{example-image-duck}}

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