Beamer overlay with `nicematrix`


I'd like to uncover a table row-by-row in a NiceTabular environment (provided by the nicematrix package). My table has alternating row colors, and I'd like overlay to cover/uncover the row color and its content at the same time. I'd also like to stick to the nicematrix package instead of using the conventional tabular/array environments.

I tried several ways that work in tabular and similar environments, but not in NiceTabular. These include:



    \rowcolor{gray!50}{1} % heading
    \rowcolors{2}{gray!25}{} % body
  \onslide<2->{Head 1 & Head 2} \\
  Row 1 Col 1 & Row 1 Col 2 \pause\\
  Row 2 Col 1 & Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 \\

Overlay in conventional \texttt{tabular} for comparison:
  \onslide<2->{Head 1 & Head 2} \\
  Row 1 Col 1 & Row 1 Col 2 \pause\\
  Row 2 Col 1 & Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 2 \\

Best Answer

Here is what I would do.


  Head 1 & Head 2 \\
  { Row 1 Col 1 & text text text text text text text text text text }
  { \\ Row 2 Col 1 & text text text text text }
  { \\ Row 3 Col 1 & text text text text text text text text text }
    \\ Row 4 Col 1 & text text \\

As usual with nicematrix, you need several compilations.

If you accept to write in white the text that must be hidden, you have also the following solution (with a centered vertical position of the tabular).


  Head 1 & Head 2 \\
  Row 1 Col 1 & text text text text text text text text text text \\ 
  Row 2 Col 1 & text text text text text \\ 
  Row 3 Col 1 & text text text text text text text text text \\ 
  Row 4 Col 1 & text text \\
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