Background image (Logo) gets hidden when I put another image


I am making a latex beamer presentation. The blank slide (with logo of a lion in background) looks like as shown Fig

Now, I want to add an image of a figure to this slide. When I add the figure to slide, the background logo gets hidden as shown in the second Figure here enter image description here

However, I do not want to hide the background logo of tiger. The background logo should also be completely visible along with the image. Please guide me for a possible solution.

The code is given as follows:

 \documentclass[compress, xcolor=table]{beamer}
\usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics [width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{slide_bg.png}}
        \section{Model order reduction of commensurate fractional order systems}
        \subsection{Proposed approach}
        \begin{frame}[t]{\bigskip \Large \vspace{-5mm}Model order reduction of commensurate fractional order systems }
            \textbf{Proposed approach}
            \begin{figure}[![enter image description here][3]][3]
                \caption{Block diagram of single area power system with controller}

Also, the figures used in the above code are also attached below
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem seems to be that you are using a jpg file, which cannot be transparent and hence cover the background image.

Your code works fine as it is, provided the image in the figure is transparent (typically, a png file):

 \documentclass[compress, xcolor=table]{beamer}
\usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics [width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{example-image}} % Courtesy of mwe package
        \section{Model order reduction of commensurate fractional order systems}
        \subsection{Proposed approach}
        \begin{frame}[t]{\bigskip \Large \vspace{-5mm}Model order reduction of commensurate fractional order systems }
            \textbf{Proposed approach}
            \begin{figure}[![enter image description here][3]][3]
                \includegraphics[height=4.4cm]{PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png} % Courtesy of
                \caption{Block diagram of single area power system with controller}

enter image description here

(You need to download this file and place it in the same folder as your source code for this example to compile).

Simply add transparency to your file: you can use gimp to do that, or you can look for solutions on-line.