Awesome CV – How to modify CV entry to hold a description, headings and two bulleted lists


I am trying to learn Latex, but struggling to achieve what I want.

I want to learn Latex using the awesome-cv template and customizing it.

I want to achieve this:

enter image description here

So I tried to modify the template:

{Manager, XYZ} % Job title
{ZYX} % Organization
{Foo} % Location
{Apr 2016 - Present} % Date(s)
General description of work  

 \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities    
            \item {Manager: Jan 2017 - now}
            \item {Senior Consultant: Apr 2016 - Jan 2017}
 \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities    
            \item {IFRS 9}
            \item {BI}
            \item {Back-office}

The result is this:

enter image description here

I know that I need to modify this part, but I don't know what to do:

  \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{\textwidth - 4.5cm} R{4.5cm}}
      {\entrypositionstyle{#1} & \entrydatestyle{#4} \\}
      {\entrytitlestyle{#2} & \entrylocationstyle{#3} \\
      \entrypositionstyle{#1} & \entrydatestyle{#4} \\}

Best Answer

The command to define an entry of cv information requires five parameters.


Some may be empty. Having two "sections" under the same company requires having to apply it twice; the second time without the name and location of the company.

\cvsection{Profesional Experience}

{Career:} % Job title
{ZYX} % Organization
{Foo} % Location
{Apr 2016 - Present} % Date(s)
\begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities    
    \item {Manager: Jan 2017 - now}
    \item {Senior Consultant: Apr 2016 - Jan 2017}

{Projects:} % Job title
{} % leave empty
{} % leave empty
{Apr 2016 - Present} % Date(s)
\begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities    
            \item {IFRS 9}
            \item {BI}
            \item {Back-office}



IMHO it's very hard to learn LaTeX trying to modify someone else's uncommented code. Why don't you start using LaTeX commands to produce a document yourself? You may be trying to emulate the awesome-cv main features: layout, fonts, colors, ... Start with the article class step by step.

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