Automatically generate data summary at the beginning of the document


Within my report I want do define several structural damages and I want to automatically generate a summary table at the beginning of the document.
Here is an example of how far I have come so far and what I want to achieve.






\newcommand\defineDamageKey[4] { \expandafter\edef\csname damage.#1.#2.#3\endcsname{#4} }

    \ifstrequal{#1}{A}{\stepcounter{cntClassA} \setcounter{cntAddTmp}{\thecntClassA} }{}%
    \ifstrequal{#1}{B}{\stepcounter{cntClassB} \setcounter{cntAddTmp}{\thecntClassB} }{}%
    \ifstrequal{#1}{C}{\stepcounter{cntClassC} \setcounter{cntAddTmp}{\thecntClassC} }{}%

    \textbf{ID:} \@nameuse{damage.#1.#2.ID}\\%
    \textbf{Damage class:} #1\\%
    \textbf{Description:} \@nameuse{damage.#1.#2.description}\\%
    \textbf{Solution:} \@nameuse{damage.#1.#2.solution}\\%

    \ifstrequal{#1}{A}{ \damageCountForClass=\thecntClassA }{}%
    \ifstrequal{#1}{B}{ \damageCountForClass=\thecntClassB }{}%
    \ifstrequal{#1}{C}{ \damageCountForClass=\thecntClassC }{}%
    \foreach \n in {1,...,\damageCountForClass}%
        \textbf{\@nameuse{damage.#1.\n.ID}:} \@nameuse{damage.#1.\n.description}\\



\section{Building 1}

\addDamage{A}{Broken window}{Fix window}

\addDamage{B}{Wrong wall paint}{Repaint}

\section{Building 2}

\addDamage{C}{Leaky windows}{Seal windows}

\addDamage{A}{Defective electrics}{Fix electrics}




enter image description here

My basic idea was to define my data as key/value pairs with structured named macros:

\@namedef{damage.A.1.description}{description damage A-1}
\@namedef{damage.A.1.solution}{solution damage A-1}
\@namedef{damage.A.2.description}{description damage A-2}

But now I want to have the summary table at the beginning of the document! Am I right that this only works with AUX files?

I've just started with low level TeX / macro writing and tried to figure out how to do this by examining the todonotes package (as the \todo and \listoftodos would possible a similar mechanism). But I dont get it.

So is my current solution actual a good starting point or do I need a different approach? Could anyone give me a hint how to achieve this?

Best Answer

Edit: hyperref-support is added in case you wish hyperlinks from the summary to the place of the document where the damage is described.

If you don't mind having an auxiliary-file whose name is of pattern ⟨expansion of jobname⟩.Damageclass⟨name of damage-class⟩ for each damage-class, then you can probably do with LaTeX 2ε's \addtocontents-\@starttoc-meachanism. I used description-environments for listing the items. How to tweak the description-environment depends on the documentclass in use and may turn out tricky.

The example needs to be compiled three times without having auxiliary-files deleted between runs until everything matches out correctly. (First run creates auxiliary files. Second run creates description-item-labes of summaries and stores measurements in the aux-file. Third run uses measurements from aux-file.)


    \hbox to\r@maxIDwidthpreviousrun{\hfill}%
   %#1 - Damage class
   %#2 - Damage description
   %#3 - Fix/Solution description
     \expandafter\gdef\csname theDamageclass@#1\endcsname{#1\mbox{-}\arabic{Damageclass@#1}}%
       \damageSummaryItem{\csname theDamageclass@#1\endcsname:}{#2}{\@ifundefined{@currentHref}{}{\@currentHref}}\protected@file@percent
   }]\csname theDamageclass@#1\endcsname
   \item[{Damage class:}]#1%
      {\expandafter}\expandafter\ifx\csname hyper@last\endcsname\relax



\section{Building 1}

\addDamage{A}{Broken window}{Fix window}

\addDamage{B}{Wrong wall paint}{Repaint}

\section{Building 2}

\addDamage{C}{Leaky windows}{Seal windows}

\addDamage{A}{Defective electrics}{Fix electrics}


enter image description here

The question "Use LaTeX to produce parts lists?" and the answers to it might be of interest to you— a similar problem is addressed there. In the answers you find a different approach which is based on the package datatool and a .csv-file.

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