Floats – How to Automatically Split Subfigure Over Multiple Pages for Proper Pagination


I have lots of subfigures that I want to split across multiple pages. These subfigures are of different sizes. I'm still editing my document so figures are being pushed around. I don't want to hard-wire where the page-break between the subfigures occurs.

How can I:

  1. Automatically get a subfigure to start a new page when the current page is full?
  2. ONLY add a caption when a new page is started?
  3. Prevent other contents from going between the subfigures?

Here is an example of my current document. As you can see \ContinueFloat is hard-wired. Other contents are going between the first and last 5 subfigures.

\caption{Here are the first 5 figures of a continued figure.}

\caption{Here are the last 5 figures of a continued figure.}

Best Answer

Interestingly, \subfloat seems to end with \ignorespaces, so you either need a blank line, \allowbreak or something else which allows a linebreak. All the subfloats are formatted in one go, so \ContinuedFloat is not needed.

I can turn this into an environment using udbox (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/563109/render-captions-above-figures-with-caption-below-includegraphics-while-using-e/563241?r=SearchResults&s=2|22.2526#563241).



\newcommand{\multipagefigure}[3]% #1 = caption, #2 = caption (cont.), #3 = contents
  \def\@captype{figure}% enable captions
      \dimen0=\dimexpr \pagegoal-\pagetotal-\textfloatsep\relax
      \setbox1=\copy0% compute smallest possible figure
      \setbox4=\vsplit1 to 0pt
      \setbox1=\vbox{\unvbox4}% restore true size
      \ifdim\dimen0<\dimexpr \ht1+\dp1+\ht2+\dp2\relax
      \setbox1=\vsplit0 to \dimexpr \dimen0-\ht2-\dp2\relax
      \setbox1=\vsplit0 to \dimexpr \textheight-\ht3-\dp3\relax


\multipagefigure{Every page\label{fig:cont}}{Every page (cont.)}{%







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