Author-year natbib apalike and [1], [2], [3] like numbering in the references


My dear latex-community friends. I was just curious to know if it is at all possible to get serial numbering in the list of references when I am using an apalike style bibliography. My references are working fine, though. Thank you!

\usepackage{a4,amsfonts,latexsym,amscd,amsopn,amssymb,amsmath, amsthm,bbm,stmaryrd,wasysym,mathbbol}
\usepackage[ruled, noend, noline]{algorithm2e}



\textheight 235.0mm
\textwidth 155.0mm
\topmargin -15.0mm
\oddsidemargin 2.0mm
\footskip 15.0mm


\RenewDocumentCommand{\bibitem}{om}{\oldbibitem[#1]{#2} \refstepcounter{mybibcounter}\themybibcounter. }

\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0, 128, 128}


Best Answer

You could try redefining the \bibitem command so that it does what the old one does, but also increases a counter, something like this (at the end of the preamble):

\RenewDocumentCommand{\bibitem}{om}{\oldbibitem[#1]{#2} \refstepcounter{mybibcounter}\themybibcounter. }

It's hard to know if that will work properly without access to your complete document and bib file, however.

Unrelated suggestions: (1) you're loading multiple packages more than once (mathrsfs, caption with different options, setspace is loaded three different times!); you should clean out the duplicate entries, (2) you shouldn't load the cite package if you're also using natbib; natbib does everything cite does and more, and using it may cause conflicts; (3) the hyperref package should be loaded after other packages, so move it later in your preamble.