Arial font, and non-scalable mathcal fonts


I have to use the Arial font and I do that as follows (Helvetica is close to Arial):

\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} % Helvetica
\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv} % Helvetica

The other solution I have found is to use the commands:


Both work and as far as I can see, both solutions look the same. I use the following packages for math fonts because it looks nice with Arial fonts:


I want to modify some font sizes as follows (it looks nice with 1, but it looks nicer with 1.2):


The issue I have is that the \mathcal fonts are apparently not scalable as far as I understand the problem. Is there any way to overcome the problem ? (I know nothing about fonts sorry)

Best Answer

In libertinust1math.sty, \mathcal font is stixcal.

\DeclareFontShape{U}{stixcal}{m}{n} {<->s*[1.2]stix-mathcal}{}
\DeclareFontShape{U}{stixcal}{b}{n} {<->s*[1.2]stix-mathcal-bold}{}
test $t$ $\mathcal{A}$

enter image description here

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