Apply bfseries to Montserrat Thin font


I have the Montserrat Thin font installed from Google but can't get it to apply the bold style. E.g., my MWE tries to have a bold title using bfseries and bold text using textbf but neither works? I just get the message Font shape TU/MontserratThin(0)/b/n undefinedundefined (Font) using TU/MontserratThin(0)/m/n instead`. I checked and the installed font has "bold" and several other weights.


\newfontfamily{\titlefont}{Montserrat Thin}


    \chapter{The Beginning}

enter image description here

EDIT: Here's the screen shot of font in Font Book:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The Montserrat font family features nine [9!] font weights, ordered from lightest to heaviest: Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, and Black.

A rule of thumb says that a bold counterpart to a basic font weight should be 2 or 3 steps heavier than the basic weight. (Do note, for instance, that in the Montserrat font family the weight that's three steps up from Regular is Bold.) For the Montserrat font family, then, either Light or Regular would appear to be good candidates to act as a suitable bold font weight to go with Thin. For instance,

\newfontfamily{\titlefont}{Montserrat Thin}[BoldFont={Montserrat Regular}]

Of course, you are entirely free to go up four or more steps, e.g., to Medium or evenn SemiBold, if that's what you prefer.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\newfontfamily{\titlefont}{Montserrat Thin}[%
      BoldFont      = {Montserrat Regular},
      ItalicFont    = {Montserrat Thin Italic},
      BoldItalicFont= {Montserrat Italic}]

The Beginning 

\textbf{The Beginning}

The Beginning 

\textbf{The Beginning}
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