Appending something to the body of every frame


Is it possible to append something to the body of every frame in beamer?

Specifically, I would like to include \par\unskip right before \end{frame} so that the bottom margin of full slides is the same regardless of whether the slide ends with text, an enumerate environment, or a displayed formula. I am using the metropolis theme, for which the difference is quite noticeable.

enter image description here enter image description here

My two ideas were to either use


or the standard trick


The first one doesn't work because \lastskip has been forgotten at that point. The second doesn't' work because \endframe is never actually used. Where it is defined in beamerbaseframe.sty, there's a comment:

% Normally not executed; only in containsverbatim context:

I don't quite understand plain TeX well enough to understand how the body of the frame is processed to figure out where I would need to include the \par\unskip. Does anybody know how one would achieve this? Here is an MWE:



\frametitle{This frame ends in text}

\item \lipsum[1][1]
\item \lipsum[1][2]
\item \lipsum[1][3]
\item \lipsum[1][4-5]
\item \lipsum[1][6]

\lipsum[1][7-13] This is the bottom margin in metropolis.
%\par\unskip % it works if entered manually

\frametitle{This frame ends in a formula}
\item \lipsum[1][1]
\item \lipsum[1][2]
\item \lipsum[1][3]
\item \lipsum[1][4-5]
\item \lipsum[1][6]

\[ a + b = c \]
%\par\unskip % it works if entered manually

If \par\unskip is inserted manually, it looks better to my eyes.

enter image description here enter image description here

Best Answer

Patching the end part of internal environment beamer@frameslide seems to work. This environment is defined as (see beamerbaseframe.sty)

  % ...
    % ...
      % ...
  % ...

So we only need to append \unskip right after \par in \endbeamer@frameslide:




  \frametitle{This frame ends in text}
    \item \lipsum[1][1]
    \item \lipsum[1][2]
    \item \lipsum[1][3]
    \item \lipsum[1][4-5]
    \item \lipsum[1][6]
  \lipsum[1][7-13] This is the bottom margin in metropolis.
  %\par\unskip % it works if entered manually

  \frametitle{This frame ends in a formula}
  \item \lipsum[1][1]
  \item \lipsum[1][2]
  \item \lipsum[1][3]
  \item \lipsum[1][4-5]
  \item \lipsum[1][6]
  \[ a + b = c \]
  %\par\unskip % it works if entered manually

enter image description here

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