Anyone can help me to write these equations in Latex


enter image description hereI want to write these equations in latex format, but I can't find how I can set proper settings to have this form. Will be glad if anyone can help me.

Best Answer

The amsmath package provides a number of environments to simplify typesetting multi-line displayed equations. For the case at hand, using an alignat environment would seem like a natural choice.

enter image description here

Aside: Observe that TeX and LaTeX typeset math-mode numerals and equation numbers as well as both round and square parentheses with an upright font shape. That's quite different from the screenshot you posted.

\documentclass{beamer} % load 'amsmath' package automatically
  &\textnormal{minimize}\qquad && f_0(x) \\
  &\textnormal{subject to}     && f_i(x)\le0, &\qquad & i=1,\dots,m \\
  &                            && {a_j}^T\! x =b_j,  && j=1,\dots,p \,.

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