Amsrefs with bibtex — using the webpage type


I'm using amsrefs together with a .bib file to handle my references, and I would like to cite a webpage (say for an MWE).

My question: is there a way to enter a webpage into my references.bib file so that amsrefs knows to assign it to the type `webpage' in the .bbl?

In an ideal world, one would just add

  TITLE={Tex StackExchange},
  AUTHOR={The Community},

to the file references.bib, and then in the main tex file have



However, on compilation this creates the following .bbl:

% \bib, bibdiv, biblist are defined by the amsrefs package.

      author={Community, The},
       title={Tex stackexchange},


In particular I get an error because the bib item is not of a valid type (in fact not of any type).

Best Answer

If you don't use misc (or any other supported type) for anything else you can use misc then alias it to webpage:

enter image description here



with a bib file

  TITLE={Tex StackExchange},
  AUTHOR={The Community},
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