Aligned environment: How to align equations in the ‘left column’ and align conditions/words in the ‘right column’

alignhorizontal alignmentmath-mode

I have a list of boundary conditions which I would like to display using aligned environment. Here is the code so far:

x&=y &\text{in...},\\\
x'&=y'  &\text{in...}, \\\
x''&=y''&\text{in...}, \\\

I want the equations on the LHS to be aligned at the = sign, but I also want the start of each condition (in...) to be aligned at in. Does anyone know how I can do this?

Best Answer

You need an additional & to switch the alignment:

enter image description here




       x &= y    &&\text{in $a$},               \\
      x' &= y'   &&\text{in $a$, $b$},          \\
     x'' &= y''  &&\text{in $a$, $b$, $c$},     \\
    x''' &= y''' &&\text{in $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$}

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