Align baselines of figure and table using minipage and stackunder

graphicsstackenginetablesvertical alignmentxcoffins

I'm trying to place a figure and a table side by side so that the baselines, rather than the captions, of both are aligned:

The answer to this question does this \stackunder with minipages, but uses
a table with a bottom caption. I tweaked the code, but I can't seem to get the minipage
[b]s and [t]s right. I want the bottom of the table to be exactly at the bottom of the image:


Here's the code that produces the image above:


    \captionof{figure}{A figure with a long caption. A figure with a long caption. A figure with a long caption.}
    \captionof{table}{A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption.
    A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. }
        a & b & c\\\hline
        1 & 2 & 3\\
        4 & 5 & 6\\
        7 & 8 & 9\\\hline                 

Best Answer

The MWE requires only small changes. For the tabular, you used \stackunder{<caption>}{<tabular} which associates the overall baseline with the <caption>. Instead, use \stackon{<tabular>}{<caption>} so that the tabular is associated with the baseline. Then, to get the proper baseline alignment of the tabular, you need to make the surrounding minipage bottom-aligned, with the [b] option.


    \captionof{figure}{A figure with a long caption. A figure with a long caption. A figure with a long caption.}
        a & b & c\\\hline
        1 & 2 & 3\\
        4 & 5 & 6\\
        7 & 8 & 9\\\hline                 
}{    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.49\textwidth}\vspace{0pt}
    \captionof{table}{A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption.
    A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. A table with a long caption. }


enter image description here

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